I think It's time you get to know me a little Better
Nicknames: Su, Aya, Ayla, Su-hayhay, Hayla, and the worst of all susu.......*not amused face*
Place of Birth: Zanzibar, oooh look at me gettin' all exotic on your asses ;)
Current Residence: London
Occupation: A Bum at the moment - Student next year though..yay?
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Hair colour: Brown, made an absolute mess of it recently though, I had this vision to ombre my hair...on my ones (already not sounding like a good idea) so that when a guy says they're into either blonde or brunettes, I'll be like, Oh hey I'm both, THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS BABEH *insert loreal hair swishing action* ! (and because I adore the ombre trend, of course) only, the tips of my hair didn't come out blonde...they came out yellowy-orange, so I had to dye it brown (twice) praying it won't turn green, it's now a very light honey brown which is nice and the tips of my hair are now in horrendous condition...FML.
Hair length: Medium length now, after 2 years of growing, it's finally getting there! (my hair grows EXTREMELY slow!!!)
Best feature: my friends claim it's the buttocks region....
Height: 5" ... well at least I'm taller than Kim Kardashian and same height as Louise from Made In Chelsea, this makes me feel better :')
Braces: Nope, never had them, I really wanted them though at one point as this 'apparent' cool kid in year six had them, seems like I was the desperate wannabe in Mean Girl Terms back in them Primary school days hahaha
Piercings: just two on Thee ears
Tattoos: Nope, needles and pain terrify me
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Best friend: Tacita, from reception until year 3 and when I moved houses, never saw her again. I remember we prank called pizza hut once, such a random memory but we were indeed hardcore 7 year olds
Award: Attendance probably, I have a massive pile of certificates for attendance and it kinda went down hill when I reached year 10. One lifetime achievement though, I was in school, EVERY SINGLE MISERABLE day in year 8 :O
Sport: I was quite the sporty one, I enjoyed athletics, tennis, basketball etc etc, then I just became lazy after PE was no longer compulsory at the end of year 11, my stamina has gotten so bad, I start heaving after 10 seconds of jogging and somehow end up in McDonald...oh dear.
Real Holiday: Arusha Safari Park in Africa when I was about 3
Concert: I haven't been to an actual proper concert yet, mainly because extremely loud music and a place filled with people gets me a little jittery sometimes
Love: ahh this question .....
Little Aya overlooking Ostriches, acting like I didn't notice the camera ;) |
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Favourites - I'm just going to say at the moment as I'm very indecisive
TV Show: Ahh, Balls! there's quite a few: Revenge. Pretty Little Liars. Gossip Girl. Made In Chelsea (Proudlock you beautiful specimen). 90210. New Girl. Nevermind the Buzzcocks. I don't watch TV much, but these are the ones I look forward to the most. OH and 2 Broke Girls!
Colour: Dark sultry red, mainly because the festive season is near
Song: oooooooh, tough one, You're the one that I want - Grease but at the moment it's between, Love is Easy - McFly, Boy - Nina Nesbitt, Flaws - Bastille aaaand Little Talks - Of monsters and men
Store: Topshop, Miss Selfridge and ASOS are my main go to when in search of something snazzy
Book: I'll go all at the moment with this question as it's hard, it was Alice In Wonderland even since childhood, but I think it's been replaced by 'The Single Girls To Do List' by Lindsey Kelk or 'From Notting Hill, with Love....Actually" by Ali McNamara SHE HAS A NEW ONE OUT O.M.G GUYS! (I love my romance and sop, judge me)
Magazine: I'm a Company kinda Gal
Shoes: MY CHELSEA BOOTS! trust me guys, my obsession with them is still here
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Eating: Ben and Jerrys Caramel Chew Chew and I have a bottle of Whipped Cream at hand, perfection ;)
Listening to: The Vaccines - Norgaard
Thinking about: What to wear tomorrow
Wearing: An oversized moustache top
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Want Children: Yes! awww little Petunia :') I'm really curious to see what little 'angels' I'll bring into the world
Want to be married: Yes, Got the perfect dress in mind too (steady..)
Careers in mind: Stylist, Music Video/Advertisement producer/director or fashion editor
Where do you want to live: London is my home, but I love Surrey or cute little countryside villages :')
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Smoked: Nope, But I kissed someone who smoked...does second hand smoking count?
Ran Away From Home: nope, I used to threaten my dad that I would and pack my bags and act all macho (when infact I am a massive Whimp and to his knowledge and to my own, I'd never actually go through with it) the furthest I got was outside of the door.. I was such a drama queen.
Broken Someone's Heart: yeah, It was quite bad, especially as I don't like hurting people :(
Broke up With Someone: yeah
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Do you believe in: I am that kind of person who would believes in something once I see it happen
Ghosts: No, but after watching scary ghost films I do ahaha
Kissing on the first date: I don't see why not