Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Liebster Award

Thanks to the lovely Frankie at To Be Frank and Bethan at The Pale Face Female who nominated me for the Liebster Award, It's so lovely to know there's people out there who enjoy and like my blog :)
Rules :
- If you receive an award you must link back to the blogger who awarded you
- You write 11 random facts about yourself and answer the 11 question the awarder wrote for you
- Make up 11 questions to be answered and nominate 11 other bloggers who are under 200 followers
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11 Facts About me
1. I am Half German, and the other half is African/Arabian

2. I was born with blue eyes and blonde straight hair, but it all changed after a year or so and I gained the curls, brown hair and eyes, why couldn't the eyes and straight hair just stay, why?!

3. I always carry a brolly. Great thing to have on your belongings when living in England, the weather here is almost bipolar

4. I live in London

5. I have a number of faded scars on my legs due to some very embarrassing and stupid activities I took part in as a child, I was a very silly child.

6. I can be incredibly indecisive

7. I think way too much and can get in the habit of over thinking which isn't the greatest of things as I am a little bit of a worrier

8.  I'm scared of flushing aeroplane toilets.. like literally, I will avoid the toilets at all costs

9. I was convinced my Dad was a spy when I was little, don't know why, but I really wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a spy myself ... I was a very weird child

10. I suffer from that annoying perfectionist trait

11. I love to sing, only, In my head I sound like Adele, but in reality I sound like a male cat hitting puberty
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Questions From Frankie and Bethan

Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I've always liked the world of blogging, and the blogging community, I am able to write what I want and write about my passion and share it with people all over the world 

What is your favourite hobby?
If shopping doesn't count, then reading 

Who inspires you the most in the blogging world? 
Zoella, very original of me haha, but she seems like such a lovely person, with an amazing and successful blog and YouTube channel.

What's your favourite film? 
Grease, or those period drama films like the Duchess, well to be fair, anything with Keira Knightly in it, I truly love that lady.

Have you got any new years resolutions? 
Yes I do, my top three resolutions for this year are: To take on more opportunities, Get a Job and to stop being a Maccy D's junkie! (which failed miserably last year, what can I say, Happy Meals really do make me happy)

What was your favourite Christmas present?
Getting loads of Ferrero Rocher's boxes (my friends and family know me well) :') 

Do you collect anything?
I can't say I do really, maybe books? I do have quite a big (mostly girly) book collection going on.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Australia but without the snakes and big spiders

What is your favourite Quote?
We accept the love we think we deserve. - Charlie (Perks..)

What's your favourite song right now?
Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran

Do you like surprises?
Depends on the surprise, Yes and No, I like being surprised but I don't like knowing something is coming but I have to wait to find out what it is, if that makes any sense

How would you sum up your blog in three words?
It's Alright, yeah

If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
Cat Woman

What was the first thing you bought in 2013?
A packet of Walkers Cheese and Onion Crisps and a bottle of Evian, great cure for post New Years Party blues.

How would you describe your style?
Something along the lines of clean-cut girly erm chic? I do not know. I wear collared tops, blazers, skater dresses/skirts, chelsea boots and black leggings quite a lot, so that hahaha :')

Apple pie or Cheesecake?

If you could swap wardrobes with one person who would it be?
Olivia at What Olivia Did... or Jazmine at Jazzabelles Diary, Oh my I am at envy with their wardrobes.

If you could change the era you were born in would you?
I would and I wouldn't, I'd love to be in the olden days with the corset and gowns and men in tux's constantly (yes please) where we go to balls and ride in a horse and carriage, but with the attitudes of today ..and technology.

What are your favourite type of blogs to read/follow?
I like funny blogs, fashion blogs with lovely OOTD photography shoot posts, beauty blogs, food blogs, whatever catches my eyes really.

What trends are you excited for in the Spring/Summer 2013?
The Crop, I loved crop tops last year to wear with high waisted skirts/shorts, so happy they're still here this year.

If you had to listen to one song on repeat for the whole day what would it be?
Woman Woman - Little Comets or Rubber Lover - Marmaduke Duke, depending whether I am relaxed or want to boogie.

Can you speak more than one language?
Yes, I can speak (very bad)  German, Swahili, Spanish, French and Tagalog ;) 
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My Nominees
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My Questions

If you were to be Best Chums with any Blogger who would it be? 
Your ultimate style Icon/Crush?
If you were to only wear 1 outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What are you looking forward to the most in 2013?
Why did you start your blog?
What would be your dream holiday?
What's your Guilty Pleasure?
What's the most played song on your Itunes?
How would you describe yourself in three words? 
What's been your most favourite fashion Trend so far?
Favourite Ben and Jerry's flavour?


  1. Thanks very much for nominating me, I've already done a post because i was tagged a while ago, you can see it here if you want? :)
    I'd have to agree with most of your answers, I'd love to live in a past era because everyone dressed so beautifully!

    1. you're welcome and yeah okie, I'll go have a look now :) xx

  2. i like your blog, nice!!!! check out my blog:
    I follow you, you follow me too??? xoxo Roby

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination!I'll get on it for next week. And I agree completely with your era question, aside from the poor hygiene and backwards beliefs walking around in giant dresses and going to balls would be perfection! xo

    1. you're welcome, I can't wait to read it! :) It really would, I'd feel like Cinderella everyday :')xx

  4. Hi, lovely blog, Im a new follower. I look foreword to reading more posts

    Im a self-taught makeup artist and upcoming YouTuber with a beauty blog. I feature product reviews, looks I have created and how-to, picture tutorials and so on..
    Would love for you to check it out and even follow if you like it?

    Sanna's beauty blog
    Connect with me on facebook

    1. aww thank you so much :)
      ahh that's really cool, I'll go have a look :) xxx

  5. Hi ,

    I just followed your blog and I am obsessed!! I am 12 years old and have a fashion/beauty blog too! I have just started out so I would love it if you came and checked it out ! :)

    Thank you xxxx

    1. thank you! and I'll go check you blog out too :) xxx

  6. Nice blog! :-)

    Look like my past;

    And my facebook blog;
