Life's hard when you have a broken laptop, and with my laptops sudden death (which definitely had nothing to do with me accidentally spilling hot chocolate over it, ahem) I decided to take a journey and unleash my inner cave man and do things that didn't involve the internet or technology, I had planned to read and grunt at er things.. So during my failed cave man experience times (you'll understand in a moment) I went out a saw quite a few films (oh there it is) - won't lie, I couldn't handle a technology free day and forcing myself to read my old Dr. Seuss books just didn't feel pleasurable enough - and discovered new music that made me jiggle like I've never jiggled before. I also got reconnected with new and old clothing of which I loved putting on during the dreadful snow, which is still here.. in march?.. Thus concluding my January and February favourites, wow I made that longer than it should of been.
Films... (click film name for the trailer)
Les Mis : I read the book, saw the Broadway show and when the film came out I said what the heck, lets do the trio especially as the film was jam packed with my favourite actors, however, I know it's a musical, but the whole film was just singing, no dialogue which I won't lie, annoyed me a little, however great film, and the thought that all the singing was done live, amazing! Just don't watch it expecting dialogue...
Life of Pi : such a beautiful story, and the CGI and camera work was amazing and the colours, especially of the sea, beautiful.
Warm Bodies : Let's take this moment to appreciate Nicholas Hoult's face. That was a moment well needed. Great film, predictable, but I loved it!
Pitch Perfect : My new favourite film, I watched this 3 times and I just kept wanting to see it, so funny, new found love for Fat Amy and Anna Kendrick (she's my height, I'm not alone :'D) After watching it be aware you will be singing 'Titanium' and loads of other songs, and pretending you too were part of an acapella group, or this could just be me...awkward if it is.
The Impossible : I have never vigorously cried whilst watching a film before. The story is tragic but has such a beautiful ending, what are the odds of such tragedy happening and your whole family, including little children, surviving and finding eachother? Beautiful, it really makes you appreciate your family more. Amazing acting aswell might I add, you really feel the emotions, ahh it's just beautiful.
Wreck It Ralph : I offered to take my little cousins to watch this, so it doesn't seem like I wanted to watch it ;) but like a lot of childrens films, very entertaining.
The Hobbit : I did enjoy it, however, I was expecting it to be better. But good film very exciting and (for some unknown reason) seeing Gollum made me a lot happier than I should of been.
Django Unchained : The D is silent. Quentin Tarantino always knows how to pull it off doesn't he?
Everything Everything Arc : I may be quite late, but after hearing Cough Cough a while ago, I never took it upon myself to find out who it was from, until I heard it again at a party, Love the album. Go have a listen!
Rihanna Stay : I'm not the biggest Rihanna fan, I love her old stuff, but whatever, when I heard this song whilst listening to Grimmy on Radio 1, I couldn't help getting obsessed over it. Beautiful song and Mikky Ekko and Rihanna's voice blended amazingly well.
Bastille Bad Blood : What can I say, I bloody love the album!
Justin Timberlake Mirrors : He brought sexy back! Currently playing this, I love JT, so glad he's back making sweet sweet music again.
One Direction One Way Or Another : 1 thing that's going to annoy me about them recording this song is that little kids are going to believe that they're the original artists, poor Blondie, however I was blown away by how great the boys voices sounded, especially Harry's, his voice goes great for this genre.
The 1975 Sex Ep : Vastly becoming one of my favourite artists, great band, go check them out.
I delved into the box of my childhood on a snowy Februaries day and stumbled across my Dr. Seuss collection and decided to pass them on to my little sister, I'm sure she'll enjoy the wacky stories and rhymes as much as I did (still do), but she has yet to come face with them as they're currently lounging on my desk as I read one by one and laugh, on my ones, at the sillyness, I love Dr. Suess he inspired me to write a whole story in rhymes when I was 10, I gave up half way but I tried (twas hard). Rhymes can win any child over.
There's a Wocket in My Pocket is one of my favourites, I managed to memorise the whole book back in the day, Go Me!